Schedule a regular Monthly Donation
(automatically charged to your card each month).
$5 /month.
Every dollar counts. $5/mo. adds up and helps with administrative expenses.
$10 /month.
One Who Can
Make a larger commitment without breaking the bank. Help us grow!
$20 /month.
You want to do all you can! In return, your receive a sponsor ad/message on our website.
Make a one-time donation.
$10 once
Thank You!
You have a big heart and we appreciate it. Every dollar helps us reach our goals.
$25 once
You rock!
This extra boost goes further in helping us help our communities!
$50 once
Woo hoo!
With your generous donation you will receive 1 ticket to Uplift Yourself With Laughter!
Donate what you can, when you can.

Why we are needed.
People slip through the cracks for many reasons.
No matter your circumstances or income, life throws us curve balls. One moment things are fine, the next you are struggling.

What we achieve.
Connecting those in need with those who can help.
With an annual life issues resource fair, this website and a printed directory (coming) we help people find vital services and/or volunteer opportunities in their communities.

What you can do.
Volunteer, make a donation, or both.
Local non-profits are challenged by budgets and resources. They can use your help. You can make a difference right where you live.